Better interfaces

An idea I had some time ago was about popular website interfaces. Let's say I don't like how EBay or Google look, and I'm looking to find other ways to use those sites, but obviously such a service doesn't exist (at least I don't think it exists).

The idea is to make a new website - let's call it In this site, there would be panels to select which site you want to use. Imagine that the user clicked "Google". He is then shown an improved interface of Google, maybe with the user's search history, direct links to his Google accounts, etc. As an extra feature, it may be made possible to rearrange the page elements as the user wishes.

Other programmers out there might realize such a site would really be just a proxy - relaying communication between the user and the website.

I haven't really found a reason for why such a website should not be useful to people, and why it should not make money.

Good luck, and all comments are welcome!

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